Welcome Teachers,
I hope that you can utilize this website in order to teach cells and organelles to your upper elementary and middle school students!
I have created this website as an aide for class instruction and a means of for the integration of technology into the science classroom.
All important articles, websites, images and videos that were used in order to build this website are outlined and can be found in the WORKS CITED page.
Lesson plans including accommodations, essential questions, standards and other pedagogical techniques are outlined in the TEACHER PAGE.
I hope that the content in this website encourages scientific passion, productive exploration and meaningful exploration practices in your classroom and home.
Yours in Education,
Megan Stamer
S. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from http://med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm-news/images/2014/10/stem-cell-pixabay.jpg