Educational Philosophy

I believe that everybody has the right to learn in a way that makes sense to them. There is no “right” way of teaching. We all learn at our own pace, hitting the same road signs along the way, but not always at the same time. When it comes to education, we never stop learning. Each individual person continuously learns throughout their lives, important aspects of themselves. These aspects are essential in reaching the individual in the classroom setting.

The classroom is not the only place where learning occurs. Learning happens every day in every place. From a traditional classroom, to on the job training, even to life experiences, a student continuously learns new skills, facts and things about themselves. Learning also occurs in different styles. While some individuals are visual learners, others are audio learners while still others are sensory learners. These styles help play a part in their educational journey.

Each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. While each individual comes from uniquely different backgrounds, different than anyone else or my own, this is not a hindrance. These unique qualities may be similar or different from others but they are the things that bring us together. I hope to continue to embrace all of my students’ differences and bring them together to unify our class.